The power of sound in animation

As we know by now, animation is a tool that can communicate complex ideas and emotions in a visual and dynamic way. However, good motion design is not just about the visuals - audio plays an equally important role in creating a compelling and engaging video for the viewer. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of audio in motion design and how it can help to enhance the impact of your animations.


Music is an extremely powerful tool in setting the mood, tone and feel that supports the narrative and story of the animation. The right music can evoke emotions, capture the attention of your audience, and create a sense of atmosphere that draws them into the story. Choosing the right music can be a daunting task, but it is essential in creating an effective animation.


Additionally, voiceover is a critical component in motion design as it helps to present information in a clear and concise manner. Voiceover can also help to create a sense of intimacy between the viewer and the animation, making them feel like they are part of the story. When done correctly, a voiceover can be a powerful tool that helps to carry the narrative and connect with the viewer on an emotional level.

Sound Effects

Finally, sound effects can create an engaging and immersive experience for the viewer. The addition of sound effects can add an extra layer of depth to your animation, creating a dynamic environment. Sound effects can help to enhance certain effects in your animation, making it more engaging and memorable.


In conclusion, the importance of audio in motion design cannot be overstated. Music, voiceover and sound effects all play a critical role in creating an engaging and immersive video for the viewer. By carefully selecting and incorporating the right audio elements, you can enhance the impact of your animations and take your motion design to the next level.


The art of the storyboard


From sketch to screen. The process of producing animations.